Sleeper Gold Head Goby



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The Sleeper Gold Head Goby Valenciennea strigata is known by many names, including Pennant Glider Yellowheaded and Golden Head Sleeper as well as Blueband, Bluestreak, or Yellowheaded Sleeper Goby. The head is yellow-gold, with blue-sapphire stripes below the eyes. The remainder of the physique is white. To properly care for the fish it should be housed in a 30 gallon or greater aquarium, with live sand as the substrate, as well as an attached refugium populated. A well-sealed canopy must be available. It will rarely be aggressive toward other fish, however, it is territorial, and may engage in battle with its own species in the event of a mating pair. It eats from the bottom while it sifts through the sand and eats small portions of the substrate and the food that is buried in the sand, which keeps the substrate oxygenated. The Sleeper Gold Head Goby feeds on a wide variety of brine, both frozen and live shrimps, mysis shrimp, live black worms, as well as prepared carnivore food items. It should be fed regularly. Approximate Size of Purchase: Small: 1" to 2"; Medium: 2" to 3"; Large 3" to 4"; XLarge: 4" to 5"
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Sleeper Gold Head Goby Info

The most common names used for Yellowheaded Sleeper Goby are those of the Pennant Glider Yellowheaded, Golden Head Sleeper, Blueband, Bluecheek Goby, Bluestreak Goby, or Gold Head Sleeper Goby.

They have a white body with a head of yellow and vibrant electric blue marks on their faces. They are stunning together in a big enough aquarium.

They are found in the lower part of your tank. They have a blast searching through the sand bed or making little borrowings which helps keep your sandbed tidy and well-aerated. Making sure you have secured your rocks is vital for keeping these fish because they can burrow into the rockwork, which could make it unstable.

They are reef safe and will not hurt other fish, or tug corals. They could get territorial with other gobies that sift sand, particularly those belonging to their own species, but they are able to be kept in tanks as a mated pair.

Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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