Red Head Goby
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The Red Head Goby, or Redhead Goby, formerly classified as Gobiosoma puncticulatus, is a species with an elongated head. It is bright red, with intricate white and yellow markings. Dark spots run across both sides of the body. This adorable species makes an adorable pet for your fish tank.
It is required to have a 10 gallon or larger aquarium, with a mix of loose coral rubble as the substrate. It's not usually aggressive with other fish, but it can be territorial and can be a bit aggressive with members of its own kind, except if they are a mated pair. This cleaner species can clean up tank mates and can help fight certain illnesses.
It is normal to see Red Head Gobies spawn successfully in aquariums and lay eggs in crevices or in an empty shell.
The diet should include various brine shrimp, both frozen and live mysis shrimp, table shrimp, and frozen carnivore food preparations. If it is kept in a fish tank that is reef-based, it is recommended to be fed at least once a day.
Approximate Size of Purchase 1/2" to 1" Medium: 1" to 2"
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Red Head Goby Information
The Red Head Goby's native habitat extends between the Sea of Cortez to Ecuador. The tiny goby, as its name suggests, has an ebullient red head and transparent body. Inside the red coloring are vibrant gold and blue stripes.
The Red Head Goby is a cleaner goby and it's not uncommon to observe individuals removing the parasites of other fish. At first, they appear to be a bit more obscure than their Caribbean counterparts, but when they become comfortable in their tank they prefer to remain in the open, with their bright head making it easy to recognize. Their tiny size and calm behavior make them ideal for small and large tanks alike.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in
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