Yellow Dottyback



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Bold, big, brave, and beautiful, the Yellow Dottyback is a real spectacular specimen in its genus and spends the majority of its time patrolling open areas in your reef aquarium. The Yellow Dottyback's colors range from yellow-canary to dark brown or purple (depending on the diet it eats daily) With dark spots appearing in the middle of each scale. This produces subtle patterns that at times look like fine lines flowing across its sides. In the wild, Yellow Dottyback is common to lagoon reefs, tide pools, coral crevices, and on fore-reef slopes. They feed heavily upon small fish and huge zooplankters, as well as tiny benthic crustaceans. In the home, a 30 gallon or bigger aquarium is a good habitat. It is a solitary fish. Yellow Dottyback won't be intimidated by other fish, and will fight for the territory it has carved out with fish three to four times larger than it is. It will consume small decorative shrimp. The diet is made up of meaty meals, such as brine shrimp and frozen food items. To get the most vibrant yellow color feed it an enriched diet with vitamins. Approximate Size of Purchase Small 1" to 2" Medium 2" and 3"  
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General information about Yellow Dottyback The Yellow Dottyback's colors range from a canary yellow to dusky brown/purple (depending on the diet) and a dark spot at the center of every scale. The result is subtle patterns that at times look like fine lines running across its sides. In the wild, the Yellow Dottyback is common to lagoon reefs, tide pools, coral crevices, and on fore-reef slopes. It feeds heavily on small fishes and huge zooplankters, as well as tiny benthic crustaceans. The Yellow Dottyback won't be intimidated by other fish and can defend their territory even against fish that are more than three times the size. It will consume small decorative shrimp.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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