Purple Dottyback
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Color of the Purple Dottyback, also known as the Magenta Dottyback or Purple Pseudochromis is described best as magenta.
An aquarium of 30 gallons or larger tank must be set up. It could become aggressive with others Pseudochromis or tank mates that share similar body forms. It is simple to maintain in aquariums if it has plenty of hiding spaces.
Its diet consists of meaty food items like brine shrimp, and frozen food items. The food items should be rich and varied to maintain their stunning color.
Approximate Purchase Size: 1" to 2-1/2"
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General information about the Purple Dottyback
The color associated with the Purple Dottyback is best described as magenta. It could become aggressive toward the other Pseudochromis or fish that have similar body forms. It is simple to house in a home aquarium if you have plenty of hiding places.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in
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