Joculator Angelfish



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The Joculator Angelfish, (Centropyge joculator) is also called The Yellowhead Angelfish is a beautiful rarely observed dwarf marine angelfish that can be found only on the Christmas Islands and Cocos-Keeling Islands in the Eastern Indian Ocean. The brightly colored angelfish looks like its cousin, the Bicolor Anglefish (Centropyge bicolor) but does not have the distinct vertical blue bar over the eye. The Joculator Angelfish is adorned with an emerald-colored ring of blue around its eyes. This electric blue coloration creates an outline of a thin line across the sides of its dorsal as well as anal fins. The Joculator Angelfish is a tough angelfish which can grow up by 3" or larger in size. The ideal environment that will suit the Joculator Anglefish needs to be an existing marine aquarium with around 70-70 gallons that are aquascaped with plenty of live rock as well as ample open areas for swimming.   The Joculator Angelfish must be kept with corals as well as the clams cautiously since it can nip them to search for food. Additionally to that, the Joculator Angelfish can be averse to other species, so it is best to avoid keeping at least one Joculator Angel inside a marine aquarium or in conjunction with other fish with similar characteristics to it , like the Bicolor Angelfish, or even the Rock Beauty Angelfish.   The Joculator Angelfish should be fed at least 2 or 3 times daily to discourage it from nibbling at mantels of clams or corals. Feeding brine shrimp that are enriched and frozen and mysis shrimp, along with Spirulina and a high-quality prepared Marine angelfish food.   Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1" to 2"; Medium: 2" to 3"; Large: 3" to 4"
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Joculator Angelfish Species Description

Another one of the tough and extremely uncommon dwarf Angelfish The Joculator Angelfish is only found within the Cocos as well as the Christmas Islands. If you're fortunate enough to acquire the fish it's a fantastic addition to an already established aquarium, using live rock to filter water or as decoration. The majority of people will keep this unique beauty in reef tanks and have fairly satisfactory results. The general consensus is that a balanced nutrition and regular feedings can keep this Angelfish from chomping at mantelpieces of coral and clams. They will not tolerate their own species, as well as fish with similar colors or shapes, especially bicolor angelfish centropyge bicolor.  


Distinctive for its bright yellow head and electric blue accents, the Joculator Angelfish resembles the Bicolor Angelfish (Centropyge bicolor) but lacks the vertical blue bar above the eye. Instead, it boasts a captivating blue ring encircling its eyes and delicate blue trim along the dorsal and anal fins.

Size and Tank Requirements

This hardy angelfish can reach up to 3 inches in length, making it suitable for medium-sized marine aquariums. An ideal setup should include a minimum of 70 gallons with ample live rock and open swimming spaces.

Compatibility and Behavior

  • Coral and Clam Caution: While compatible with corals and clams, the Joculator Angelfish may nip at their mantles or polyps in search of food.
  • Intolerance to Conspecifics: Avoid housing more than one Joculator Angelfish in the same tank or with similar-looking species like the Bicolor Angelfish or Rock Beauty Angelfish due to territorial behavior.


To discourage coral nipping, feed the Joculator Angelfish 2 to 3 times daily. Offer a varied diet including enriched frozen brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, spirulina, and high-quality prepared angelfish formulas.

Purchase Size

Choose from:
  • Small: 1" to 2"
  • Medium: 2" to 3"
  • Large: 3" to 4"
Conclusion With its vibrant coloration and manageable size, the Joculator Angelfish is a captivating addition to marine aquariums, requiring careful consideration of tank mates and a varied diet to thrive.   INTERNAL LINKS:     EXTERNAL LINKS:  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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