Carberryi Anthias

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The Carberryi Anthias (Nemanthias carberryi) often referred to in the Threadfin Anthias is a very stunning fish that is a part of the reefs in the Maldives. Carberryi Anthias are very colorful with vibrant purple colors on the abdomen and head area, and a bright yellow coloration that gorgeously paints the front that the fish. Carberryi Anthias are very active marine fish, which naturally draw out shier fish who share their aquariums with them. Carberryi Anthias are usually found in the midwater area of tanks, but they appreciate having a variety of areas to hide in. Carberryi Anthias do best when kept in shoals or groups in a specific tank for the species that is at 70-gallons or more. When setting up an anthias shoal it is recommended that the group must consist primarily of female and juvenile individuals. The aquarium should only have one male to your aquarium unless large. Even in a large aquarium, The ratio should be heavily skewed towards female or juvenile anthias (a common general rule of thumb is one male for each four to six females/juveniles). Incredibly, all species of anthias have the same trait of being hermaphroditic. If the dominant male dies the most dominant female in the group is likely to change to replace it. After acclimating to a newly installed aquarium Anthias are best provided with a variety of mysis shrimp that are enriched and frozen and brine shrimp that have been enriched and, over time, could eat quality flake foods that are available in small amounts throughout the daytime. A refugium that is attached to the tank and cultivates amphipods and copepods offers an unending supply of healthy live food that will keep this planktivore activity. Approximate size of purchase: Small: 1-1/4" to 1-3/4" Medium: 1-3/4" to 2-1/4" Large: 2-1/4" to 3"  
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General Information on Carberryi Anthias

The Carberryi Anthias (Nemanthias carberryi), also known as the Threadfin Anthias, is a striking fish from the reefs of the Maldives. This vibrant species features a vivid purple coloration on the head and abdomen, complemented by a cheerful yellow on the anterior portion.

Appearance of Carberryi Anthias

  • Coloration: Males and females both display a vibrant purple on the head and abdomen. The tail and back are bright yellow.
  • Activity: Carberryi 's are highly active and can help bring out shyer fish in the aquarium.

Tank Requirements for Carberryi's

  • Tank Size: Carberryi Anthias thrive in groups within a species-specific tank of at least 70 gallons.
  • Group Composition: For a successful anthias shoal, include mainly juvenile and female fish. Add only one male unless the tank is large enough to accommodate more.
  • Tank Setup: These fish occupy the midwater region but need several hiding places. Use live rock to create caves and hiding spots.

Behavior and Care of Carberryi Anthias

  • Behavior: The Carberryi's is known for its active nature, enhancing the aquarium environment by drawing out shyer tankmates.
  • Hermaphroditism: Like other Anthias, the Carberryi's is hermaphroditic. If a dominant male dies, the largest female may morph to replace him.

Feeding Carberryi Anthias

  • Diet: Feed the Carberryi's a varied diet, including enriched frozen mysis shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, and high-quality flake foods. Offer food in small amounts throughout the day.
  • Additional Food Sources: An attached refugium cultivating copepods and amphipods can provide a steady supply of nutritious live food.

Summary of Carberryi's Care

The Carberryi's is a beautiful addition to any aquarium, known for its vibrant colors and active behavior. They do best in species-specific tanks with plenty of hiding spots and a balanced diet.
  • Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1" to 1-3/4"

LINKS to follow:

Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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