Biota Captive-Bred Sapphire Damselfish
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The Biota® Captive-bred Sapphire Damselfish is the common name of the male Blue Damselfish sometimes referred to by the name Blue Devil Damselfish. The female is blue, while the male sports an orange tail. This Captive-bred Damselfish is an extremely colorful, tough as well as active species. When in the wild Sapphire Damselfish can be found in reefs. It is believed that the Sapphire Damselfish has the ability to hide in a hole or crevice before darkening to almost black. This is usually the case whenever it's threatened. When the threat has been eliminated it will change to electric blue within a matter of minutes.
The Sapphire Damselfish is more gentle than other Damsels and therefore its tank is likely to accommodate several specimens. This is a fantastic fish for novices and is a great fish to accompany saltwater tanks that are larger than 30 gallons. It also makes an excellent companion to invertebrates and reefs. As the fish grows older, it might become aggressive and cause issues with additional species. If keeping it with other damselfish, give them numerous hiding spots to separate areas and reduce aggression.
Sapphire Damselfish's diet must consist of frozen food, flaked meals, and herbivore recipes.
Approximate Purchase Size: 3/4" to 1-1/4"
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General information on Blue Sapphire Damselfish
The Blue Sapphire Damselfish originates within the Solomon Islands, and is an intense blue color with black-outlined fins. The species is able to quickly change completely black when stressed, which lets them escape predators. As with many damselfishes in the Chrysiptera genus, it may be aggressive toward slower-moving tank friends. Make sure that the tank has lots of rock to use for areas of hiding. Blue Sapphire Damselfish is robust and is a great fish for novices. They can also be a good fish to have in a reef aquarium with a moderate size or bigger. As the fish grows older, it could become aggressive and cause issues with the selection of additional species. If you want to keep it with other damselfish species, ensure ample live rocks, with numerous hiding spots to create a barrier between areas and reduce aggression.
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in
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