Azure Damselfish

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The Damselfish is also called the Half-blue Damselfish is a darting, two-tone marine fish. The front of its body is blue. The posterior part, the anal fin, and fins are yellow. There is a variation by species with regards to the proportion of the yellow visible on the bodies of fish. (Some people call C. parasema to be the Azure Damselfish, but in the world of aquariums it is known as the Azure Damselfish is thought to be C. hemicyanea.) A 30 gallon tank or more with lots of decor and rockwork is the ideal choice. Because it is tolerant to low water parameters it is a sought-after fish with novice hobbyists. A small amount of Azure Damsels that are young can add flare and color to the majority of marine aquariums. It is important to keep this species alongside other fish that are semi-aggressive, since they may become territorial when they grow older. In larger reef aquariums this should not be an issue if there are plenty of hiding spots available. The Azure Damselfish diet must consist of high-quality flake food as well as frozen meaty items such as brine or mysis shrimpand, occasionally, dried seaweed served via a feeding clip. Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 3/4" to 1-1/4" Medium: 1-1/4" to 2-1/4"; 2-1/4" to 3"  
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General information regarding Azure Damselfish The Azure Damselfish is a double-tone and darting marine fish. The front part of its body is blue. The posterior part, the anal fin, as well as the fins are yellow. There is a variation by species on the quantity of yellow visible on the bodies of fish. (Some refer to C. parasema an Azure Damselfish, but in the trade of aquariums it is C. parasema  the Azure Damselfish is thought to be the same fish, C. hemicyanea.) A smaller or larger tank will accommodate one Azure Damselfish. A medium-sized or larger home aquarium is ideal for a small number of them.  
Large, Medium, Small
6 lbs
1 × 1 × 1 in


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